Monday, August 22, 2011

A Taste of Something New*

*could be offensive to some readers
*not appropriate for family (unless it’s my family)
*not supper table discussion material

Faithful followers,

Here we go. You may be wondering what is brewing in my mind this time after having the title’s disclaimers. While, yes, it may be a little provocative I still fully intend for it to be taken very seriously. This is the best medium that I could think of in order to convey my grand idea. What is this idea? Freeballing. Going commando. No underwear. Dangling. Unfurnished basement. Pantyless. You get the point. What in God’s good name does this relate to? Well, it relates to my idea that what is natural is morally good. This also means that what is unnatural is immoral. Once we are able to find true cause and effects and understand the natural nature of our surroundings/actions then we can begin to determine morality.

I asked a couple of avid freeballers their opinions and this is what they said. (Their names will be altered in order to conceal their identity and to maintain their prestigious reputations in a society of such staunch anti-freeballers)

“Freeballing is the epiotme of not giving a fuck. Less laundry, it’s against social norm, there’s just less to worry about in general (except getting depantsed). It’s like 'I’m going to wake up and give zero fucks and my testicles will reap all of the benefits.'” -Ross

“Freeballing (in the voice of Tom Petty) is a way of delivering a swift kick to the groin of Lucifer. He burdened us indirectly with the embarrassment and awkwardness of nakedness and the lack of comfort caused by clothes, specifically undergarments, we say, ‘Take this Satan, I’m not controlled by you. I am free -- I am controlled only by myself and God.’” -Jason

God is not constrained by anything but He follows certain axioms. Within our universe, all evidence points toward a God and a God that works within the Laws of Physics, a moral code, ethics, philosophy, etc. His very nature seems to be natural. He never creates or does anything unnatural.

An example would probably suffice to clarify this point. Let’s look at morality. More specifically, abortion. You know my stance on abortion from my previous blogs but here is one more reason/proof as to why I believe abortion to be morally wrong. Evolutionarily, biologically, psychologically, and chemically we can see that sex is a natural desire and naturally creates life. In the union of man and woman, the sperm and egg collide in the act of intercourse which naturally results in a child. This is a pure example of a cause and effect. Have sex, have baby. This is the natural causation of a child. The word abort means to prematurely destroy something that is already set into motion towards a determined natural end. To abort is to end that which has already begun. Abortion in terms of a pregnancy is to end or terminate the pregnancy. And because the cells are reproducing at a rapid rate as a result of sex and this is the pure cause and effect then we can know that this is a natural transpiring of events and thus is morally wrong. To interrupt this via abortion is to destroy what is natural.

If life is the result of sex and it cannot be altered (naturally) and we are also attracted/have desires to do this action then we must accept the result. It’s my belief that God is perfectly natural. So to alter the order of naturalness is to go against God. I personally want to follow God and grow in holiness the way that He calls me to....

On to freeballing. Freeballing is just natural. We can see with ancient humans, they didn’t wear underwear. To wear underwear is not immoral but not wearing underwear is definitely moral.

On a serious note and more compelling arguments for freeballing: it just feels so good. No constraint. No limitations. Pure freedom.

We can see from the quotes from Jason and Ross that there are several legitimate reasons to freeball:
- less laundry
- stickin’ it to the Man (Hanes, Fruit of the Loom and all other Corporations)
- money saver
- hassle/time saver
- it’s hipster/against the norm
- testicles gain much joy
- by freeballing we apparently kick Satan straight in the balls
- and intrinsically pledge our allegiance to God
- it is overwhelmingly comfortable
- allows for a greater range of motion

Now, a few final words. I endorse nudity 100% as long as a couple of things take place: respect, discipline, honor for the human body. We must maintain control or things will spiral out of control very quickly. But by all means please ditch the briefs; they really do nothing for you.

[The reason that I don’t think it’s immoral to wear underwear is as follows. The development of what is natural can also be considered natural.

Example: a house can seem to be an unnatural and manmade object. But look at the history of architecture, we see that ancient man started out in rock carvings called caves. As intellect developed man was able to create a replica of this cave and eventually called it a house.

This relates because it is perfectly natural for man to roam free of clothing. It is also natural for man to stay warm. I’d imagine that much heat probably escapes from the head, hands and genitals; thus, the creation of undergarments. Over time they then developed into more sophisticated clothing wear. So it’s natural to wear underwear, all you underwear wearers. But it’s also natural to not. That is what my intent was--to bring awareness to your consciousness that it is okay to freeball.]


PS I wish that I could speak on behalf of the other half of my crowd (women) but due to natural restraints, I can't. My sincerest apologies. However, this doesn't mean you don't have to give your input either on how disgusted you are with this post, the validity of this post, your indifference, etc.

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